Help! I need a Muffin: A Stream of Consciousness

I’m in a funky mood today and have been for the past few days. Things are going right, the sun is shining but I feel a little empty and off. Anyone get like that sometimes? With a test tomorrow, I’ve been attempting to study but my mind keeps getting cluttered by other little things.

1. Is anyone else upset about the loss of Google Reader? As an avid blog reader, Reader was my everything. I knew what was new, I could save and star and even peruse blogs on my phone. Now, it feels as though I’m mourning the loss of a friend. I’m trying out Feedly and like it so far. Anyone have any other suggestions to try?

2. My new favorite thing is carrying around a little notebook with me wherever I go so I can write things down. I don’t know if I’m extra distracted or something lately but I can’t remember anything so this has been helping in remembering things I just thought of.

3. I got my Spinning® certification the other day which is really exciting because now I can teach classes. The only problem? I think of classes in my head every time I hear a song. Now, this isn’t actually a problem. In fact, it’s kind of helpful but it does distract me from getting anything done lately! All I want to do is make profiles and can’t! 

4. I’m craving [healthy] muffins. Any good recipes out there? Help. I need a muffin.


Have a great day everyone! (and seriously, leave some muffin recipes! 🙂 )